Boise Idaho Mission

Boise Idaho Mission

Monday, November 30, 2015

It was my sister was lazy

One week late! But here you are! :)

So I have learned that during my mission one of the best things you can do is write a weekly email to people you love and care about. I have been out about 15 weeks and decide that I have wasted time not doing this and will continue to do this until the end. It will not always be about spiritually things, but things I feel prompted to write about. So since this week will be Thanksgiving, what better why then to talk about being thankful. I would like to say that telling your friends and family the things you have been thankful will help you become cosler. I'm thankful for the people who have encourage me to go on my mission, and has been there for me during hard moments of my life. I know that because of families that it will help you to learn how to treat others. I know I haven't been the best example, but that is what life is for. To go threw challenges and learn how to become better, and once when you do help others. There is no better feeling in life then to help others. I encourage you to tell the people you love that you are grateful for them during this holiday season and to let them know that you love them. Keep that in mind during the rest of your life. From experience, you will never know what you had until it is gone. I should have been a better person, a better friend, and a better owner. Don't make the mistakes I have, be better. I love and miss all of you, and will write to you next week. TTFN, ta ta for now.

-Elder Antonio Luis Hernandez

"Memory is the key"

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